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Goliath Tabuni: Set to Bury The Hatchet and Bury The Weapon

Goliath Tabuni: Set to Bury The Hatchet and Bury The Weapon

The rage of TPN OPM militia in Tingginambut Puncak Jaya Papua through the shooting that cost a serious wound or maybe death of civilian and armed forces of Indonesia soon would gone from the news we read daily. The Highest Leader of TPN OPM Force General Goliath Tabuni said that he will bury all of his weapon and ready to set a dialog beside the government to accelerate the welfare of Papuan in peace.

Goliath on a phone call said to the new Governor of Papua Lukas Enembe that he would spare a time to meet the new governor and asking about topics they might discuss about. Goliath also congratulate Lukas as the new leader of Papua. Goliath said that they wouldn’t do anything bad as Lukas success in the last election, if the new government build his village.

Lukas also said thar he will open a new relation with Papua separatists group TPN OPM, with a constructive reconciliation with them. “As the new governor I am ready to negotiate and ready to set a new constructive patterns, through a welfare approach” said Lukas in the Governor Building not a long time ago.
The statement of Goliath Tabuni not just a good news for all Papuans, because Papuan always wanting peace. The statement is also an entry point for Papuan to gain more optimism, to built a brand new Papua without lies to be separated from Indonesia. All the free West Papua campaign after all this time, that led Papuan to join a pointless violence activism, with so many cost, turns to be what they should be. a 100% Papuan, and a 100% Indonesian.
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